Discovering Paestum among Greek temples and buffalo milk


Our journey to discover the territory continues.

This time we are going to the roots of Italian gastronomic history and culture, in one of the most popular destinations for tourists, due its incredible beauty, for the variety of cultures and for the history of the populations who have inhabited it.

We are in Paestum, in the heart of Campania and home of the Mediterranean diet, to get to know one of the treasures that made it famous all over the world: buffalo milk in its thousand forms.

Originally Paestum, Poseidonia, was one of the most important and fascinating cities of Magna Graecia founded around 600 BC. by Greek colonists from Sibari.

Paestum is also special because it is a perfect habitat for buffaloes and has a dairy tradition that has been handed down for centuries with an eye to innovation.

Buffalo milk, also called the white gold of Paestum, is produced in the lush Piana del Sele, at the gates of the Cilento National Park, a UNESCO heritage site together with the archaeological area of ​​Paestum.

It is here, in fact, in the shadow of the Greek temples, that Campania’s buffalo mozzarella of excellence Made in Italy is cradled, exported and recognized all over the world for its delicacy.

If once upon a time, it was the Greek goddesses who were worshiped, today this privilege belongs to the buffalos. Under the coolness of secular olive trees caressed by the Mediterranean breeze, there are real wellness centres to host them. They are pampered with piped-in classical and jazz music, relaxing treatments with anti-stress massages and refreshing showers. All this to make their milk the best and most nutritious ever and transform it into mozzarella, ricotta, yogurt, ice cream, sweets and even cosmetics.

In fact, there are many forms of the white gold of Paestum and it takes just as many to keep its history, flavour and organoleptic properties intact.

An example of this are the flexible bags that conserve the mozzarella; they must be resistant and able to preserve the excellent quality, just like the dairyman’s hands that withstand high temperatures to create the delicious white pearls. To preserve yogurt, a product born by chance by storing milk in lambskin skins, PET or glass jars are used instead.

Milk is one of the products for which we can offer the widest range of solutions: from sleeves or roll fed for milk bottles (both glass and PET) and the related sleeve seals on caps (tamper evident), to flexible packaging for  the mozzarella (be it a bag containing preserving liquid or a top for tubs), to lids and sleeves for yoghurt pots.

For us at Maca, packaging is not just a container: kept inside a pack are the origins, history and soul of the products.

Beyond the dairy sector we offer many other flexible solutions, discover them!