The 2022 packaging design top trends are visual manifestations of what consumers are seeking in their current, constrained situation.
2022 is still worldwide considered a troubled spell: the public needs reassurance and is in constant pursuit of diversions and more pleasant circumstances.
Consumers seek calmness and brightness in everyday products, and thus packaging adopts a soft, minimalist and peaceful-colored design. A powerful tendency towards personification also emerges, as we witness the birth of characters which make us laugh and dream and reminisce of more carefree days, capitalizing on the nostalgia effect.
But as far as 2022 packaging design trends go, we have only scratched the surface.
Let us delve into details.
Perhaps in an attempt to escape the hard situation we are facing, consumers are increasingly attracted by “nostalgic” packaging.
By looking at vintage packaging we sort of slip into the past as our memories unfold; albeit for a brief moment, we are children again. This creates an intimate and direct connection with the consumer base; they will, in turn, accept the brand as a genuine, relevant part of their world. The nostalgia effect is present in the whole design process, from font choice to iconic characters creation to special finishes.

Flat images, organic shapes and essentiality. Minimalist design appears to be a natural answer to the need for safety and reassurance. To customers, simplicity stands for transparency, clearness and trustworthiness.
Apart from safety, minimal packaging is a marketing choice aimed to elevate the product by placing it under the spotlight. The goal is removing from the design anything that is irrelevant while including the product’s key features: this will provide the product a chance to showcase its value and stand out on the shelf.

Interactivity is the key to innovation and marks the future of packaging design trends. In the last two years technology became a core interaction driver in many businesses, packaging included. To address product-tracking requirements and allow brands to build an intimate relationship with their consumers, packaging is getting smarter and smarter.
That is why QRcodes and technologies like NFC (Near-Field Communication) or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) now play a leading role in the smart packaging industry.
These techs allow consumers to interact with packages and learn more about the product or even partake in immersive experiences which dramatically strenghten brand perception.

Vivid gradients, yet another rising trend, offer the opportunity to develop a natural and polished design through color shades intended to breathe new life into products and make them more appealing for consumers.

Paper touch effect, metallic foil and other special print finishing. In 2022, packages welcome finishing details with open arms and try their best to connect with their end user—not only through sight, but also by adopting a physical or even multisensorial approach.
Visual appearances aside, it is paramount not to overlook the tactile element of packaging. By physically experiencing the packaging the consumer feels emotions that contribute to his or her perception of the product and of the brand. That explains why another leading trend for packaging design is texture and print finishing solutions, tools which grant the brand an additional chance to make a statement.

Abstract art
Daring fonts, sparkling shades, inventive shapes make for an unpredictable design and a packaging devised to appeal to the imaginative human subconscious.
Abstract art is born when artists choose to negate any ordinary depiction of reality and exalt their own feelings through shape, color and line. The emerging trend concerning this design form suggests consumers are attracted to it specifically for its effectiveness in conveying positive emotions and quenching the eagerness to escape a routine cornered by too many rules.

The inspiring 2022 packaging design top trends—calm colors, charming characters, nostalgia effect—urge us to present consumers with positive vibes.
We at Maca have always been receptive towards the use of innovation to shape brand design in unconventional ways, which can be accomplished by flexible thinking and a strong focus on environmental sustainability.
With a team of graphic designer at their disposal, our consultants will tailor your packaging project to your needs by offering avant-garde solutions and delivering excellent print results.
Need help with a packaging project? Then contact us!
Together we will devise a plan to “dress up” and make the most of your product and brand!